Last week I made a flight that "expanded my horizons" a bit. I flew non stop 474 miles, and still had an hour reserve fuel left. My goal was to photograph the pond dam at the "Hallmark Farm" on I-65 north of Birmingham. My wife had seen some large PVC pipe on the dam and a backhoe on our last trip by there, so I wanted to see if they had installed a "siphon spillway" like we intend to do at my father's lake. Once I got that done I thought I might as well fly down to my father's place and look at recent tornado damage, as well as brown pine trees that might indicate a Pine Bark Beetle problem. I didn't land (my father wasn't "home" anyway,) so I just did a U-turn and headed back home. I took a side trip over the town I grew up in to take some more pictures, and twice along the way had to climb steeply to 5000' to avoid airspace, so that reduced my average speed. Bottom line is that I flew a total of 474 miles non-stop with three climbs to 9500' and 10,500', all the way around Class C airspace twice. I wasn't in much of a hurry so had throttled back to about 2900 rpm and maintained 130 mph True Airspeed when straight and level, but the trip average (considering the climbs) is about 120.5 mph. When I got home, I still had 3.3 gallons in the tank, which means I burned 2.72 gph, getting 44.3 mpg for the trip, in less than four hours. Not bad for a 30 year old KR2. See enclosed map....
Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL
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