David Stacchini wrote:

> It looks really promising, but I’m nervous about an airplane that has been
> in an accident. How hard is it to inspect the wing spars for “hidden”
> damage?

Dave, I have personal knowledge of that plane, and I would not worry about it for a second. What happened is that Jim added ram air to the carb, but with an unvented float bowl, the way it worked out is that the increased pressure in the carb throat as the plane gained speed prevented fuel from leaving the float bowl (at least that was our theory) and the engine quit as he was turning downwind. It was running fine before this, and it was running fine after the ram air was disconnected. Problem is that it was a one-way runway at the time due to very tall trees on one end, and only 2600' of length, so he had no choice but to come in over the trees and try to get it down. He went off the end of the runway, into a farm field, and was almost stopped when he got to a shallow drainage ditch. He described it as a slow flip....almost balanced, but luck was that it went all the way over and broke the tail. I would not sweat the spars at all, as they should not have experienced anything that they weren't already designed for, and and knowing Jim and how he did the tail extension splicing (which made it a KR2S), I'd fly it in a heartbeat and not sweat it. It also has the new tail airfoil and longer horizontal stab, and I believe the vertical stab is taller.

The place that might sustain and show obvious damage to the spars would be at the wing attach fittings, and those are easily inspected with the wings off. Other damage is unlikely (judging by the test to failure that we did at a Gathering a while back) would be the spar facings ripping apart, but that would be clearly visible as huge rips in the fiberglass skin. The spars can bend a huge distance before that happens, so it would be very obvious.

There's a lot more on Jim Hill's plane at http://www.n56ml.com/jhill.html .

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL

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