Hi Jeff, 

You sure didn't waste any time getting your IO (?) 360 put back together
. . . but then you are not known to waste time with anything.  

This ear thing is a mystery.  I noticed last night, going to sleep
listening to the BBC as usual, that I could hear it more clearly - or was
it just my imagination?  No . . . guess not.  This morning hearing is
back to normal even though I'd done nothing more to try and fix the
problem than I'd already done a couple days ago (hydrogen peroxide, tea
tree oil soak, ear drops soak, etc).  I cancelled my appointment today
with an ENT although I probably should have followed through with it.  If
I have any further issues with hearing I'll re-do an exam with a
specialist.  Hearing is not back to 100% but seems to be heading back to
optimum.  I've taken to wearing wireless (Bluetooth) headphones around
the place so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the issue? 
Headphones are known to contribute to wax build-up.  Once I noticed the
hearing loss though I did all the usual treatments - soaking with tea
tree oil and irrigation with H2O2 . . . to no effect.  It seems to have
just cleared up on its own . . . it's a mystery.  

Also a great reminder of how important good hearing is.  I'm back to
hearing birdsong, distant owls hooting, and the clanging of the train
crossing about five miles away.  Not having my normal hearing put me in a
state of anxiety - being extra careful at intersections when driving for
instance.  It's still not quite back to normal - one ear is better than
the other - so I guess the smart thing to do would go in and see a
specialist.  Hopefully it's just wax - a condition related (perhaps) to
my use of a wireless headset around the property.  The use of the headset
is due to wanting to continue to listen to a podcast or some other audio
without having to carry around a device - like the little cellphone
someone on KRnet recommended some months ago.  An LG Rebel 4 from
Wal-Mart.  I've seen them for sale on line for as little as ten bucks. 
Quite amazing little thing.  It'll run Avare or any nav app (I suppose)
and do anything the fancy cellphones do but the way I use it is as a
little Android tablet that runs off of my wi-fi and lets me listen to
whatever internet lecture or discussion I've tuned into.  I put it on a
high shelf and can go anywhere around the property using the wireless
headset, leaving my hands free to do whatever I'm doing.  I don't run it
at high volume but just the fact of having a speaker so close to my
eardrums may be generating a wax obstruction.  I've noticed on long
cross-countries with my Halos stuck in my ears that I would find a
nominal but noticable increase in ear wax so the more I think about it
the more I'm thinking this ear problem has a direct connection to my use
of the wireless headphones around the house.  Time will tell.  

Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to send such a helpful
response.  I did work my way up the chain of AT&T customer service people
to finally talk to someone who seemed to have the authority and expertise
to understand the problem and do something about it.  Last word from him
was that he was going to escalate it further and to be patient - that it
might take as long as two or three days.  That was about three weeks ago.
 I'm going to give it another go . . . starting over at the bottom.  I
haven't given up hope quite yet.  Thanks for recounting your experience
and the reasons for it.  Right after the loss of access to my Yahoo Mail
account I started getting a flood of receipts for things I'd supposedly
bought on Amazon, Paypal,  and some other emails relating to purchases
I'd supposedly made . . . so it's clear my experience wasn't just a
glitch in the system but rather a deliberate intrusion such as you
experienced.  Checking the various places from which I was receiving
acknowledgments of one kind or another regarding phantom purchases, I
don't seem to have actually lost anything.  My internet experience at the
time was full of anomalies around the same time as the Yahoo account loss
so I was quite concerned.  It appears the various systems through which
our information flows have put in place some protections that recognize
scammers  . . I assume . . . since despite all the phony purchases
nothing (it seems at this point) was actually lost . . . except my access
to my Yahoo account.  

It's been a beautiful time of year.  Springtime.  Mild daytime temps and
chilly nights, great for sleeping.  Then yesterday, the thermometer in my
outdoor kitchen (well shaded) read 102°!  Today it's warmer than I like
it 96° as of 12:45, but tolerable.  Still, it's way to early in the year
to have temperatures like these.  Oh well . . . change is the way of the
world, and always has been.   

I went by the hangar yesterday to pick up a compressor and seeing my
gorgeous little plane sitting there all ready to go somewhere greatly
lifted my spirits.  Not having Sparky two hangars down from me has cast a
fog of gloom over my thoughts of the airport but I'll get over it.  
Sparky and I used to marvel every time someone we knew and had known for
years, died.  It was always a big surprise, despite the fact we both knew
dying is as common and natural as the sun coming up each day.  I guess it
never occured to me or perhaps Sparks too that it would one day be our
Have fun with that jetted tub amigo, 


PS:  I'm surprised I haven't received anything from even the looky-lous
re buying my plane.  The fact it's a single place taildrager limits its
appeal I suppose but you'd think someone interested in KR's and
contemplating building one would jump on the opportunity to have one
already built, licensed and ready to go.  I can't even imagine taking on
the job of building a plans-built plane with all the months and years it
takes most people to build one.  Not counting the labor involved, I doubt
anyone could build a KR and fit it out for anything less than 20K.  I
wonder how much Joe sold his plane to Mark for . . . I'm not about to ask
but I'm curious.  That was/is one very nice KR.  


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