Lol.    At biplane forum you have to Pay to read all the arguments.     At least it's free here.      😆

    How do I unsubscribe from krnet?


"UNSUBSCRIBE" instructions are contained in one of the links at the bottom of every e-mail posted.  Calling our posts "arguments" seems a bit harsh.  I "argue" with my brother-in-law, I "discuss" things with my friends.😂

A point of clarification. When you reply to a post the software on this net identifies YOU as the author of everything contained in that post regardless of who the original author was.  This post will identify ME as the author of the lines carried over from  two prior post.  As I'm the person that "composed" this post that would be factually correct.  But, I still do need glasses....................😎

Larry Flesner
KRnet mailing list

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