Hi KR friends. 

 I am still happy an very used to my plane.  Next week I will cross the 100 hrs 
so that’s reason for a update. 
 Cruising is a relaxed 130 140 kts. I have at that moment 45% throttle 
position. And 13 liter a hour. 
 If going to 65% 160 kts is a easy goal. 
 Flying most of the time at 1200LBS, sometimes I need to go with 1250LBS and 
that feels also very good. The W&B is at with that moment still at the first 6 
inch of the load sheet.  
 15 KTS cross feels oké and doing more and more crosscountry trips. 
 So I am feeling a real KR2S pilot nowadays. I am still not comfortable with 
bad wether. So I have to work in my meteo. 

 At this moment I am busy to do my 100 hours inspection.  
 I was happy to tell you that I should be coming to the gathering but I have a 
new job so I had to skip the 50 years party. I hope next year…. 

 Next weekend  I will do my first big cross country. In Austria is a cherry 
BX-2 meeting / fly in (EHMZ - LOAG). The cherry is the younger brother of the 
KR2 so I fly with a few Cherry pilots over there. It is a about 600NM trip. We 
will do it is 2 stretches. I am a bit nerves. 

 So keep on building your bird…it is so nice. 


Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S see 
http://www.masttotaalconcept.nl/kr2 <http://www.masttotaalconcept.nl/kr2>
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