Before today, Switch was a special case of everything. There were entire
container classes all over the place that were there for no other reason
to handle switches.

NOT ANY MORE!!! =))))

Now the only things that really care about switches are the components
which contain them. =)))

This means a whole pile of signals and slots are now gone.

It also means that many many classes are now much lighter than they
previously were. Pin and Wire are now first class objects, rather than
descendants of QObject making them far lighter still... All these
changes put together now means that KTechlab's UI is acceptably fast.
The only notch above that is so fast that the neurological properties of
the human brain cause one to believe that the machine responded before
the command was issued. =P

This means that it's time to hunker down and finish 0.3.8.

There are at least two Herculean labors to accomplish before this next
release. (all circuits attached, hopefully)

Labor 1: Make the display of currents work. I have two good test
circuits for that.

1.A> Cube Resistance circuit. -- Just a power supply, a bunch of
resistors, and a ground. Make the currents on every connector correct
and flowing in the correct direction when animations turned on. (correct
being a matter of opinion in electronics; configuration option?).
Suggest: turn everything off, then turn on only currents that come from
elements, make sure everything's correct, then turn on the next case,

1.B> Simple circuit: Make the current computations around switches work
again. (don't attempt until 1A is finished.)

Labor 2: Make Diodes work. (hopefully this will clear the way for all
other nonlinear components to work, but it's most critical that Diode

And ofcourse, any other bug that gets in our way.

New president: Here we go again... A total rip-off.
Powers are not rights.

Attachment: cuberesistance.circuit
Description: application/circuit

Attachment: simple.circuit
Description: application/circuit

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