Does the user have any other IAM roles/permissions to the project the GKE 
cluster is in?

On Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 4:45:58 AM UTC-4, Vinoth Narasimhan wrote:
> I am running the cluster 1.6.4  in GKE where i trying to restrict the user 
> to do only certain actions on the cluster using RBAC.
> But this is not working as expected. Can someone shed some light on this 
> will be really helpfull.
> I create the below rule in the cluster
> #kubectl create clusterrolebinding admin1-cluster-view-binding 
> --clusterrole=view <javascript:>
> If i am correct the above RBAC will give access cluster wide view access 
> to the object across the cluster. He cannot able to create and delete the 
> objects on the cluster.
> The <javascript:> is logged in via gcloud command and 
> successfully authenticate the cluster using the email id " 
> <javascript:>"
> #gcloud container clusters get-credentials abc-cluster --zone xxx 
> --project yyy
> After obtain the kubeconfig for the abc-cluster. My expectation is he can 
> do only the view part of the cluster. But it is not the case. He "
> <javascript:>" can do all the stuff irrespective of RBAC 
> policy.
> Please let me know if am doing something wrong or if i am missing 
> something.
> Anyhelp on this is really helpfull.

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