
Few questions about kubernetes secret objects:

1. What is diff between generic vs TLS secret types? and both I can create 
secret that holds crt and key. So what the TLS type is different then store 
certificates in "generic" type?

2. It looks like secret values are not really secret. Reviewing the secret page 
on kubernetes https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/ it 
looks like that if you create a secret from a yml file, you should run base64 
on the values you put inside the yml. So I wonder what is the encryption here? 
everyone can get the value from the secret by just decode it back.  So how 
secret actually prevent users to see the values?

3. What about update secret object.
How it works? if you patch\edit a secret object, does kubernetes automatically 
restart the PODs that uses a keys from this secret (lets assume that the secret 
mapped to environment variable secretKeyRef).
If there is no automatic mechanize to update containers that uses secret as 
environment variable. What is the best practice to do it - just restart all the 
PODs that uses this secret?  if there a way to see which PODs uses specific 

4. What is the best practice about creating secret objects?
If I have 2  k8s deployments(that related to each other) that each one use 
different user\password. Should I create 1 secret object with 4 keys : user1, 
passwd1,user2,passwd2 OR its better to create 2 different secrets each one with 
user\passwd?  I wonder if there is any guideline here.


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