I've been working on adding network policies to an existing application and 
have run into a few issues. I'm currently using the network policy 
capabilities within Google Kubernetes Engine.

This was my initial attempt was the following network policy, intended to 
allow communication between the pods in the cluster but nowhere else.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: default-internal
  podSelector: {}
  - Ingress
  - Egress
  - to:
    - podSelector: {}
  - from:
    - podSelector: {}

The first issue I ran into is with liveness/readiness probes on pods. My 
initial policy doesn't seem to allow traffic from the kubelet, I'm guessing 
because it runs on the underlying host rather than as a pod. Adding an 
allowed CIDR range of to the ingress rules fixed the issue, but 
is more permissive than I would like ideally. Is there a way to 
specifically whitelist traffic from the kubelet?

The other issue I ran into is that I wasn't able to find a way to allow 
traffic specifically to the Kubernetes master. This came up while trying to 
use kube-state-metrics with Prometheus. Is there a way to whitelist traffic 
specifically for the Kubernetes master? Running within GKE, whitelisting didn't work since the master nodes are managed separately and 
are not in the local network (though that makes the following error message 
from kube-state-metrics a bit confusing, perhaps the kubernetes service 
that is just an endpoint for the master in GKE is also obeying the network 
policy, and that's what is failing?).

F1206 14:46:57.274207       1 main.go:187] Failed to create client: ERROR 
communicating with apiserver: Get dial 
tcp i/o timeout

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  • [kubernetes-user... Aaron Taylor

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