Hi All,

Maybe an extremely naive question, but would appreciate help .

We are running our project on GKE cluster in GCP and have weekly 
deployments where we rollout our application which is a containerized 
Springboot Java app alongwith Nginx components thats caches static assets 
which are stored in a GCS bucket. We deploy this as a Deployment with 6 
replicas for the springboot app and 12 replicas for nginx. We use Gocd as 
our CICD tool.

Springboot app occupies most of the CPU and RAM.

During every deployment we see a drop in Request per second at the Google 
Load Balancer, spike in latency and backend for a minute before going back 
to normal. Although we dont see any drop from a website point of view ie, 
page response times , page views etc. Its just the GCP stats that goes 
haywire for just a minute or so.

Maybe it is expected.

Can anyone suggest if there is a way to improve the deployment ?

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  • [kubernetes-user... Gidesh Pampingal
    • [kubernetes... 'Timo Reimann' via Kubernetes user discussion and Q&A

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