> G'day folks.
> After blindly trying applying an oldish QEMU patch mentioned here
> (http://www.damogran.de/blog/archives/14-WinDbg-and-QEMU.html) I got ever
> so slightly further, to the point that I reached the Windbg command prompt
> and could enter commands (e.g. '.dl'). All I got back were sporadic errors
> such as "couldn't find KTHREAD entry at blah" and other "it's nae workin'
> cap'n" sort of messages.
> Can it be made to work? Others seem to have claimed to have done it. Seems
> I am so near but so far!
Try hacking qemu/qemu-kvm.c:pre_kvm_run() with something like that:

+#if 1
+#define MIN_CYCLE_COUNT 100
+               {
+                    static int cycle_count;
+                   if (++cycle_count > MIN_CYCLE_COUNT) {
+                        cycle_count = 0;
+                        return 1;
+                    }
+               }

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