Yves Dorfsman wrote:
> I built my virtual machines on KVM version 28 back in july. One of them 
> runs gentoo x86_64 (as guest) and a small web server with apache 2, 
> serving pages from an NFS directory. Never had a problem with it.
> This week I upgraded KVM to version 57. Everything looked like it worked, 
> but I run into the following problem: after serving a few pages (< 20) the 
> machine gets into 0% user, 0% idle 100% wait and apache stop serving any 
> page. I can kill most apache processes except two. "ls" and "df" on the 
> nfs filesystem still works. I reboot the virtual box and try to run 
> "emerge" (gentoo package management) that uses NFS heavily, and it hangs, 
> and the machine is the state describe above.
> Shutting down the virtual box and replacing kvm v57 by kvm v28 fixes the 
> problem.
> Anybody run into a comparable problem ?

What virtual nic are you using?  ne2k is broken; try rtl8139 (which 
gives better performance anyway).

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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