It's definitely worth looking at the autotest server code/samples.
There exists code in-tree already to build an deploy kvm via autotest
server mode which a single machine can drive the building, installing,
creation of guests on N number of clients, directing each guest
image to run various autotest client tests, collecting all of the

See autotest/server/samples/*kvm*

A proper server setup is a little involved[1] but much more streamlined
these days.

Let's think of a guest-installation test. Would you implement it on the server or on the client ?
What do you plan for non-linux guests ?

We'll try this little exercise of writing a kvm-test on the server side and on the client side and compare complexity.

IMHO we need a mixture:
- kvm/environment setup
 autoserve tests/deploy
- Internal guest tests
Implemented as client test, executed from the server. Composed of benchmarks, standard functionality, applications, unit tests, etc.
- guest installation, guest boot
 client  test that  execute on the kvm host

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