On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 01:27:09PM +0100, Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> Dear kvm users/developpers,
> I have a problem here where the network interface of a guest hang
> 2 or 3 times a day. No more packets can be sent out or received, no
> error in guest or host logs. I have to stop networking, remove module,
> then modprobe again and start the network to get back connection.
> My setup:
> host: debian etch, kernel 2.6.26 amd64 (etch backports), kvm 73, using
> libvirt
> guest: debian sarge, kernel 2.6.26 686 (from etch backports)
> I looked at changelogs for userspace kvm tools as well as kernel but didn't
> found something relevant to this problem.
> Any help would be welcome :)
> the guest config:

Many of the KVM developers don't use libvirt, so probably best if you
post the actual KVM command line libvirt spawned - you can get it from
the logfile in /var/log/libvirt/qemu/$NAME.log, where $NAME is your
guest's name.

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