Hi list,

after hours for searching in google-world, i didnt find any appropriate
for this problem:

I want to boot a live-cd (i.e. ubuntu 14.04.1-desktop) in qemu, which
starts with an graphical interface, done i.e. by

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 3G -smp 2 -drive
file=ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-i386.iso,media=cdrom,if=virtio --enable-kvm

Now i want to access to the console of the ubuntu-livecd. At the moment
i can do this over changing to text mode via

sendkey ctrl-alt-f1

in qemu-console (Alt-2), then switching back to qemu-window (alt-1). Now
i have access to tty1 of my livecd.

But IMHO there should be a more simple way to access to such a console
with qemu, i.e. through a pipe, a serial console etc., but i didnt found
anything working. The best i got was with -chardev pty,id=myid, which
resulted in a "char device redirected to /dev/pts/0 (label myid)".  But
with a "screen /dev/pts/0" i wasnt able to see any input or output.

ssh is unfortunatly not available at this time on the livecd (so i could
connect i.e. via -net user,hostfwd:tcp:10022-:22)

Any hints to connect directly to a console in an emulated linux?


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