On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 04:53:39PM +0300, Nadav Amit wrote:
> AFAIK backward compatibility is usually maintained in x86. I did not
> see in Intel SDM anything that says "this CPUID field means something
> for CPU X and something else for CPU Y". Anyhow, it is not different
> than bitmasks in this respect.

You still don't get my point: what are you going to do when
min_monitor_line_size needs to be 17 bits all of a sudden?

Currently, you simply do an if-else check before using the respective
mask and with your defined structs, you need to keep two versions:

union cpuid5_ebx_before_family_X {
       struct {
               unsigned int max_monitor_line_size:16;
               unsigned int reserved:16;
       } split;
       unsigned int full;

union cpuid5_ebx_after_family_X {
       struct {
               unsigned int max_monitor_line_size:17;
               unsigned int reserved:15;
       } split;
       unsigned int full;

> I don't understand what all the fuss is about.

And I don't understand why you're "fixing" code which doesn't need
fixing in the first place.

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