
On 11/18/2014 02:50 PM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> On 18/11/2014 07:48, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
>> I'm trying to figure out ways of making it possible to drive Linux from
>> Windows speech recognition (NaturallySpeaking).  The goal is a system
>> where Windows runs in a virtual machine (Linux host), audio is passed
>> through from a USB headset to the Windows environment. And the output of
>> the recognition engine is piped through some magic back to the Linux host.
>> the hardest part of all of this without question is getting clean
>> uninterrupted audio from the USB device all the way through to the
>> Windows virtual machine. virtual box, VMware fail mostly in delivering 
>> reliable  audio to the virtual machine.
>> I expect KVM to not  work right  with regards to getting clean
>> audio/real-time USB but I'm asking in case I'm wrong. if it doesn't work
>> or can't work yet, what would it take to make it possible for clean
>> audio to be passed through to a guest?
> I'm adding two people who might know.

kvm's usb pass-through should be able to handle this without any issues
(other then some latency), it uses special buffering for isochronous
usb packets, which should take care of usb audio working.

I've never tested audio recording, but audio playback and video recording
(webcams) work, so I expect audio recording to be fine.


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