On 23/06/2015 00:08, John Nielsen wrote:
>>> I’m resurrecting an old thread since I haven’t heard anything in a
>>> while. Has anyone looked in to the KVM+apicv bug documented above as
>>> well as here:
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1329956 ?
>>> If appropriate, where should I go to file a KVM bug (since this isn’t
>>> really Qemu’s problem)?
>> Hi John, does this happen with the latest upstream kernel version ?
> I know for sure it happens with 4.0.4 and I’m not aware of any newer changes 
> that would affect it.--
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Can you reproduce it with 10.1?

I did this:

1) download
and unpack it

2) run it with "qemu-kvm -drive
if=virtio,PCBSD10.1.2-x64-trueos-server.raw -smp 2"

3) login as root/pcbsd, type "reboot"

I would like to know if I'm doing anything wrong.  My machine is a Xeon
E5 v3 (Haswell).  My SeaBIOS build doesn't have the atkbd0 bug, but just
to rule that out, can you send me your Seabios binary
(/usr/share/qemu/bios*.bin) as well?

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