
I've just come across a somewhat strange problem that was suggested I
report to the list.

The problem manifested itself as DMA errors and the like popping up in the
guest, like I'd expect to see if a disk in a physical machine was dying,
like this:

  hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x21

The VM has previously been quite stable until this problem started part of
the way through today.  Another guest on the same host machine is fine.

After talking to iggy on IRC, I tried running qemu-convert over the disk
image to copy it to another image, and that solved the problem.  So it looks
like disk image corruption somehow manages to manifest itself as a DMA error
in the guest...

I'm starting KVM like so:

  kvm -m 512 -net nic,macaddr=$macaddr -net tap,iface=$iface -hda hda.qc2

As the filename suggests, it's a qcow2 image, 30GB in size.

The guest is a 32 bit RHEL3 installation.  The host is a 64 bit Debian Lenny
machine, running kvm 84.

I've got a copy of the dodgy disk image, although it's 2.7GB so not so easy
to ship around.  I can do any diagnostics on it that people need to try and
track down the cause of the problem.  I tried doing another qemu-convert
(with a view to seeing the differences between the two images) but the copy
is 500MB smaller (zero blocks removed, presumably) so a diff probably isn't
going to help much.

- Matt
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