On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Cameron Macdonell <c...@cs.ualberta.ca> wrote:
> Hi Valdir,
> Documentation is under development.  I have some simple test programs that I
> can supply when you get it up and running.  As well as boot scripts to
> create the /dev file.
> Are you running the patched kernel on the host or in the guest.  It's meant
> to run in the guest.


now I am running the patched kernel in the guest and it's working.
I modprobed "kvm_jvshmem" and then I made the following steps:

    num =`cat /proc/devices | grep kvm_ivshmem | awk '{print $1}`
    mknod --mode=666 /dev/ivshmem c $num 0

I've added to the mknod command the "c" option, to create a character
device (in the original post it was "mknod --mode=666 /dev/ivshmem
$num 0", without that option). The file creation was succesful. So,
what's next? Could you send your own test programs?

Nevertheless, I will create some simple tests, writing and reading
from the device.

Thanks in advance,


Valdir Stumm Junior
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