Anthony Liguori schrieb:
> Blue Swirl wrote:
>> Then how about something like:
>>  -drive name=hda,if=ide,cache=off,file_is_arg -filearg foo.img
>>  -drive name=vda,if=virtio,cache=writeback,file_comes_next  -patharg  foo.img
>>  -drive name=sdb,if=scsi,unit=1,fnarg -fnarg boo.img
> The explicit ordering part seems clunky to me.  How about:
> -drive name=vda,if=virtio -drive.vda.file filename.img
> What's nice about this syntax is it generalizes well.  You could have:
> -drive.vda.if virtio -drive.vda.file filename.img
> -net nic,model=rtl8139,name=foo 00:11:43:55:44:22

Looks like a very verbose syntax. However, it's the cleanest suggestion
so far, IMHO. It might be perfectly reasonable to use for management
apps or for a single option (the file name) manually as needed. We'll
need to retain the old, more convenient syntax anyway for compatibility.
Your examples are mixed style already, so this is probably what you
intended anyway.

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