On 08/10/2009 12:39 PM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
Released versions of qemu-kvm now have a KVM_VERSION of either
qemu-kvm-x.y.z or qemu-kvm-devel-XX. However, when building from git,
KVM_VERSION is kvm-devel.

Defaulting to qemu-kvm-devel makes more sense.

With newer versions of qemu-kvm, libvirt actually ignores the kvm
snapshot number (i.e. 86, 87 etc.) and just uses the 'qemu-kvm-'
string to detect that this is the kvm fork of qemu. The actual kvm
snapshot number is no longer important, it's the qemu version number
which is important.

Applied, thanks.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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