On Oct 01, 2009 at 1902 +0200, Avi Kivity appeared and said:
> On 10/01/2009 06:51 PM, Ross Boylan wrote:
> >
> >My distro (Debian) is only at 85, even in unstable.  Since it wasn't
> >current, and also the dependencies will have wide effects on my system
> >(which I'm trying to keep at the stable release Lenny), I figured
> >getting the current source and building it myself would be the best
> >move.  For other reasons I'm already running a 2.6.30 kernel from
> >Debian, which includes kernel side kvm.  So I figure I only need to mess
> >with user space.
> Right, stick with your kernel's kvm.ko, qemu-kvm-0.11.0 should make a
> good fit.

Just to be sure: If I use Debian Lenny with a kernel from kernel.org,
then I can use the qemu-kvm packages and be fine. Right?


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