Bugs item #2907597, was opened at 2009-12-02 18:57
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by avik
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Category: qemu
Group: None
>Status: Pending
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Matthew Colyer (mcsoccer)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: qemu vnc server clips at 2560x1600

Initial Comment:
So I am running using the VESA driver to run an Ubuntu 9.10 guest at 2560x1600 
(I had to modify the xserver-video-vesa package to remove an internal screen 
limit of 2048x2048 in the xorg vesa driver) and everything works great except 
that the qemu vnc server appears to clip at this resolution. The problem goes 
away if I run 1900x1200 and it doesn't change if I run 16bit depth or 24bit 

I have attached two screenshots, the first is vncing directly into qemu (which 
exhibits the problem) and the second is vncing to a vnc server I have running 
in the guest which doesn't have the problem.

I poked around in vnc.c and couldn't see any limits but I feel like its a 
buffer limit of some kind.

Also if you look very closely at the first image you can see that the first row 
is drawn correctly all the way across but subsequent rows are not.

If you need more information doesn't hesitate to ask.


>Comment By: Avi Kivity (avik)
Date: 2009-12-13 12:29

Does it work well with SDL?  Maybe the problem is not vnc related.


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