2010/3/8 Jan Kiszka <jan.kis...@siemens.com>:
> Henrik Holst wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I'm running a few Debian Lenny host machines with kernel 2.6.26, in
>> production we use kvm-kmod- without any problems. Today I
>> tested to change to kvm-kmod-2.6.33 and everything went just fine up
>> to the moment when a guest exited and when it did the kernel started
>> to log thousands of rows about page errors on the host.
>> modprobe -r kvm-intel (and kvm) and modprobe of the version
>> made the problems go away again. Could it be that 2.6.26 is a little
>> too old kernel to run as host for the newer kvm?
> Maybe. I'm only testing against 2.6.27 as oldest host, down to 2.6.24 is
> solely build-tested. Maybe the missing MMU notfiers in <= 2.6.26 cause
> troubles, though this used to work before.
> Can't promise that I find the time to look into this (such old kernels
> are out of official scope). If I managed to, I would try to bisect over
> kvm-kmod-2.6.32 what import from kvm.git or what kvm-kmod wrapping
> brought us the breakage. But maybe someone else finds the time, setup
> support would be provided...
I figured as much, I'll try to bisect when I get the time.

/Henrik Holst
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