On 03/31/2010 07:56 AM, Neo Jia wrote:

I am running official kvm-88 release

That's pretty old. Suggest trying the latest kvm-kmod release (or latest kernel.org release with its native kvm modules) and qemu-kvm-0.12.3.

  with my own 32-bit .so library
dlopen'ed by qemu-kvm. So it has 32-bit qemu-kvm on 64-bit kvm kernel
module. Everything works great but after a while the guest (winxp
32-bit) hard hangs and kvm_stat shows 0.

So, is there any way to trace back when the kvm_stat starts showing
0s? qemu-kvm is still alive.

Attach to qemu with gdb and see what the threads are doing. Without information about your library (I assume it works without it) there's not much advice I can give.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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