On 04/08/2010 02:00 AM, Cam Macdonell wrote:
This patch adds a driver for my shared memory PCI device using the uio_pci
interface.  The driver has three memory regions.  The first memory region is for
device registers for sending interrupts. The second BAR is for receiving MSI-X
interrupts and the third memory region maps the shared memory.  The device only
exports the first and third memory regions to userspace.

This driver supports MSI-X and regular pin interrupts.  Currently, the number
of MSI vectors is set to 2 (one for new connections and the other for
interrupts) but it could easily be increased.  If MSI is not available, then
regular interrupts will be used.

This version added formatting and style corrections as well as better
error-checking and cleanup when errors occur.

There is work now to bring msi to the generic pci 2.3 driver, perhaps we can use that instead. From a quick look it looks fine.

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