On 03/31/2011 11:03 PM, Drew Johnson wrote:

I am using Qemu-KVM-0.12.5

This is somewhat old.  Try upgrading.

  on Intel Xeon (Vt-x enabled) processors and
monitoring the system using htop on the host. On the processors that
are running Qemu-KVM I am seeing a 50/50 split between userspace and
guest ("gu:" in htop). I have pinned the vCPU qemu-kvm threads to
specific host CPUs using taskset. In the guest the CPUs are nearly
100% userspace in htop.

Does anyone have ideas on why this is? Is there a way I can get much
higher utilization for the guest virtual CPUs wrt the host?

Please build qemu with --disable-cpu-strip and run 'perf top' to see what's going on.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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