On Tue, Apr 05, 2011 at 01:27:48PM -0300, Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-04-05 at 19:01 +0300, Alon Levy wrote:
> > screenshots are already there, and they are a great start. But you can't
> > really do testing if you aren't recreating the same environment, and having
> > a client server where there is no client, while being a good test, doesn't
> > cover the case where the client is connected :)
> > 
> > So I was basically talking about the added requirement of creating a client
> > connection (one or more) to a single vm.
> Yeah, I think now I've got the idea. We can certainly think of some
> strategy to coordinate test execution in vms in one host, and have
> another bare metal machine that opens clients to the vms on that host.
> Autotest has infrastructure to coordinate tests among multiple bare
> metal machines, we call that infrastructure 'barriers'. It works
> basically through TCP socket communication, we have an autotest library
> for that, and an API that allows coordination among multiple machines.
> We use that for example, to coordinate cross host migration tests.
> So, it might be tricky (specially setting up the environment on the
> machine that will open displays and handle all the client opening
> part[1]), but certainly doable IMHO.
> [1] This is the part where the LDTP thing would come to place - we need
> infrastructure to support opening the display, starting the graphical
> clients and interacting with them in an automated fashion, LDTP and
> dogtail are the means to do that.

This might be required just for stuff like automating applications in the guest
that have no existing infrastructure, but I think we should try to avoid this
because it's notoriously difficult to create and maintain gui tests. WHQL 
need this.

> > Note that I wasn't asking anyone to develop this - I'm just asking if 
> > patches
> > in that direction would be accepted/interesting. We (well, Swapna, cc-ed) 
> > are
> > still working on deciding exactly how to do automated testing as a project.
> Sure, absolutely, I've been talking to Swapna about this.
> > Regarding the dogtail/LDTP issue, they are about specific tests run inside 
> > the
> > guest, and they are certainly something we would leverage. But like I 
> > mentioned
> > on the call, there is a whole suite of whql tests that are display specific,
> > and don't require anything new. In fact, a few months ago I added support 
> > for
> > autotest to run one of them, resizing to all the possible modes - so I know 
> > I
> > don't need dogtail for significant portions of our testing. (sorry, no git 
> > link
> > - I'll clean it up and post, it's been done 10 months ago so probably won't
> > cleanly apply :)
> The thing about WHQL is that it has its own test suite coordination
> program (DTM), that has to run on a separate machine/VM. So they have
> all infrastructure in place there. If we need graphical clients being
> started and controlled on a linux bare metal machine, I am afraid we'll
> have to resort to those GUI test automation frameworks I mentioned. if
> our test is geared more towards windows clients, then they won't be
> needed, sure.

oh, but the added requirement is just launching the client. So - say you already
have a guest running the whql test suite. The only addition would be to also
have a spice client connected to that vm at the time the whql test is running. 
don't need to do anything in that client - don't send it mouse events or 
events. Just let spice-server do what it does in this case, which would be 
the spice protocol messages caused by the guest activity, which only happens 
a client is actually connected.

Another thing - the client doesn't have to run on a separate vm, or even on a 
process. An additional vm seems like overkill, you are already building the 
qemu user
space from source or a specific tarball, one of the patches on my private tree 
building spice from git, this includes the client and server. But we also have 
bindings for our newer spice-gtk client, so you could even import it from the 
python process. The whole barrier thing seems way overkill for this.

> > For some ideas about what we are interested in see
> > http://spice-space.org/page/SpiceAutomatedTesting. (just the Requirements 
> > section).
> I took a look at it
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