On 9/19/11, day knight <back2ga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it possible and if yes then how.
> Can we increase the memory on a live guest machine without having to
> shutdown or reboot as well as increase and decrase CPUs. if it is
> possible, can some one point me to the documentation :)

Chipping in my 2 cents since nobody's answering, hopefully the sheer
amount of wrong information I put out will generate a meaningful reply

There is/was an option to configure memory ballooning in the domain
xml. However, when I last tried it (on SL6.0 host), it didn't seem to
be working as the domain will use the initial amount of memory and hit
swap instead of getting more memory. Although I vaguely remember
discovering afterwards, there was some qemu command needed for this.

Also, I've read that memory ballooning is a bad idea because of the
way the kernel allocates memory resources during boot based on
available memory. Using ballooning causes the allocation calculation
to be inaccurate and become highly inefficient.
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