The command I use is something like:
sudo /home/kvm/linux-kvm/tools/kvm/lkvm run -p "root=/dev/vda1" -d
/home/kvm/Internato/debian_squeeze_i386_standard.raw -n

and then in order to connect the tap interface to the host bridge:
/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/brctl addif br0 tap0

Usually the error comes up when the vm is sendig udp packets to the second vm.
It's possible to reobtain the control of the console by pressing
ctrl-z but the network becomes unusable. (even trying pinging the
The second vm, acting as server on my test, is correctly connected the host.

Same story for the stock kernel (3.1.9-1.4-desktop on opensuse 11.2)
but here the problems come up in the first part of the test, when it's
sending udp packets to the host.
To start kvm tool on stock kernel i have to use -p "idle=halt" due to
a kernel bug.

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