Xiao Guangrong <xiaoguangrong <at> linux.vnet.ibm.com> writes:

> On 07/31/2012 01:18 AM, Sunil wrote:
> > Hello List,
> > 
> > I am a KVM newbie and studying KVM mmu code.
> > 
> > On the existing guest, I am trying to track all guest writes by
> > marking page table entry as read-only in EPT entry [ I am using Intel
> > machine with vmx and ept support ]. Looks like EPT support re-uses
> > shadow page table(SPT) code and hence some of SPT routines.
> > 
> > I was thinking of below possible approach. Use pte_list_walk() to
> > traverse through list of sptes and use mmu_spte_update()  to flip the
> > PT_WRITABLE_MASK flag. But all SPTEs are not part of any single list;
> > but on separate lists (based on gfn, page level, memory_slot). So,
> > recording all the faulted guest GFN and then using above method work ?
> > 
> There are two ways to write-protect all sptes:
> - use kvm_mmu_slot_remove_write_access() on all memslots
> - walk the shadow page cache to get the shadow pages in the highest level
>   (level = 4 on EPT), then write-protect its entries.
> If you just want to do it for the specified gfn, you can use
> rmap_write_protect().
> Just inquisitive, what is your purpose? :)
> --
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Hi, Guangrong, 

I have done similar things like Sunil did. Simply for study purpose. However, I 
found some very weird situations. Basically, in the guest vm, I allocate a 
of memory (with size of a page) in a user level program. Through a guest kernel 
level module and my self defined hypercall, I pass the gva of this memory to 
kvm. Then I try different methods in the hypercall handler to write protect 
page of memory. You can see that I want to write protect it through ETP instead 
of write protected in the guest page tables.  

1. I use kvm_mmu_gva_to_gpa_read to translate the gva into gpa. Based on the 
function, kvm_mmu_get_spte_hierarchy(vcpu, gpa, spte[4]), I change the codes to 
read sptep (the pointer to spte) instead of spte, so I can modify the spte 
corresponding to this gpa. What I observe is that if I modify spte[0] (I think 
this is the lowest level page table entry corresponding to EPT table; I can 
successfully modify it as the changes are reflected in the result of calling 
kvm_mmu_get_spte_hierarchy again), but my user level program in vm can still 
write to this page. 

In your this blog post, you mentioned (the shadow pages in the highest level 
(level = 4 on EPT)), I don't understand this part. Does this mean I have to 
modify spte[3] instead of spte[0]? I just try modify spte[1] and spte[3], both 
can cause vmexit. So I am totally confused about the meaning of level used in 
shadow page table and its relations to shadow page table. Can you help me to 
understand this?

2. As suggested by this post, I also use rmap_write_protect() to write protect 
this page. With kvm_mmu_get_spte_hierarchy(vcpu, gpa, spte[4]), I still can see 
that spte[0] gives me xxxxxx005 such result, this means that the function is 
called successfully. But still I can write to this page. 

I even try the function kvm_age_hva() to remove this spte, this gives me 0 of 
spte[0], but I still can write to this page. So I am further confused about the 
level used in the shadow page?

Really thanks and appreciate your reply. 


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