My vm launches with -hda /dev/turtle/VD0 -hdb /dev/turtle/VD1, where VD0
and VD1 are lvm logical volumes.  I used lvextend to expand them, but
the VM, started after the expansion, does not seem to see the extra

What do I need to so that the space will be recognized?

The net has references to qemu-resize and virt-resize, but I don't seem
to have them.  The host system is on QEMU emulator version 0.13.0
(qemu-kvm-0.13.0), Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard from the
Debian   I'm on lenny (it's the upgrade I'm testing).

The other problem is that everything on the net refers to files that are
disk images; I'm not sure if the same procedures apply when a logical
volume is the underlying device.

The virtual disks each have 3 partitions.  Inside the VM software raid
produces dm0 from the 2 first partitions and dm1 from the 2 third

Thanks for any help.
Ross Boylan

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