Hi all, My situation is the following:
My PC (x64) has an UEFI capable motherboard (ASRock Z77). On my hard
drive (which is GPT formatted ofc), I have Windows 7 installed on
/dev/sda3 and Arch Linux on /dev/sda2. I can boot both OS'es. However,
I would like to boot Windows while in Arch, using KVM. I'm using the
OVMF images. I tried it right away with this command:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -smp 4 -cpu host -m 4096 -hda /dev/sda
-L /path/to/ovmf/

It doesn't work. When booting in safe mode in windows, I can see that
windows fails when trying to load CLASSPNP.sys . After some googling I
found out that it might be because qemu 'mounts' the drive in IDE
mode, while windows expects it to be in AHCI mode (because it was
installed in AHCI mode). Then, after some more googling, I tried this
command, which should (correct me if I'm wrong) mount the drive in
AHCI mode.

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -smp 4 -cpu host -m 4096 -L
/path/to/ovmf -device ahci,id=ahci0 -drive
if=none,file=/dev/sda,format=raw,id=drive-sata0-0-0 -device

However, with this command OVMF doesn't seem to recognise any drive at
all, the 'Boot from file' screen is empty.

So, I would like to know if OVMF supports AHCI, and if it doesn't, do
you have any other ideas?
I know it's generally not a good idea to boot a physically installed
OS in a vm, but I want to try it anyway.

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