Hi Stefan

Everything looks as expected.
Even more wierd: when i execute the script 01remote-ssh.sh as stated in http://roosbertl.blogspot.ch/2012/12/centos6-disk-encryption-with-remote.html i can connect with ssh to that machine, so its not a kvm problem i guess.

Many thanks for your help.

Btw.: when running on centos and not knowing how to get a initramfs interactive shell, simply append "rdshell" to the kernel params (grub) and hit 2 times ctrl+c on the password prompt for the hdd/luks encryption.


Am 19.09.2013 13:40, schrieb Stefan Hajnoczi:
On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 09:44:48PM +0200, Oliver Zemann wrote:
I am able now to print some messages like lsmod, ip addr show etc.
I loaded virtio_net and virtio_pci, there are also a few more, but
eth0 is still unknown to the system.
Do i need any other module?
Check that the virtio-net PCI adapter is present:

  $ grep 1af41000 /proc/bus/pci/devices

The output should print many fields and end with "virtio_pci" (the
driver that is bound to this device).

If you get no output from this grep command then your QEMU command-line
does not define a virtio-net PCI device.

If you get output but the last field is empty or "?" then you are
missing virtio kernel modules.  This can happen either because you
didn't compile them or because the udev device aliases file hasn't been
updated to autoload the right kernel module.


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