Hi Eugene,

On Tue, 08 Mar 2022 07:50:50 +0000,
Eugene Huang <euge...@nvidia.com> wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> Looks like to effectively troubleshoot, we need to upgrade our guest
> kernel to the latest version 5.17. I have these questions.
> 1. Can you please point out the kernel source that programs the arm
> virtual timer?


> 2. is The Generic Timer section in ARM Architecture Reference Manual
> ARMv8 the correct reference that we should refer to?

Yes, section D7. You'll also need the GIC specifications (IHI0069H in
your case), because you can't really understand how KVM works without
looking at both.

> 3. From the kernel community point of view, which kernel in the
> guest is the better - the Ubuntu one or the upstream one?

Upstream. In general, distro kernels are only a nuisance when
debugging things.



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