Hi guys,

I'm resurrecting this thread. The most pressing issue is getting a
standard workflow for code contributions. This is especially important
as for the (semi-private) Kwant hackathon (although I envisage more in the
future if there is interest!) in November we will need a well-defined
strategy for having contributions coming in.

There has been a fair bit of offline discussion about this, and as far
as I can tell it comes down to 2 tools:

- Gitlab instance [1]
- Phabricator instance [2]

Instead of having more discussion about this I have just set up
instances of the above tools and have put a mirror of the Kwant
repository up there so that you can play around if you want
(see the links below).

Note that I didn't get HTTPS working with the phabricator instance
(self-signed certificate reasons), so don't use your bank password to
sign in.


[1]: https://gitlab.kwant-project.bot.nu
[2]: http://phabricator.kwant-project.bot.nu

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