Hi All,

I have a general question about kwant package.

In the kwant paper (https://downloads.kwant-project.org/doc/kwant-paper.pdf),
I presume the conductance matrix given in Eq. (10) is for zero temperature
calculation. I also presume that the conductance matrix G should be
dependent on energy E, i.e., G(E).

I am wondering if the output from the transmission matrix t(E) (used to
calculate G(E)) of kwant is calculated at E = 0, i.e., what we have is
actually t(E=0) and G(E=0). Although this looks like that the Fermi level
is fixed at E = 0, the actual Fermi level (e.g., relative to charge neutral
point) can be changed via the onsite potential.

Please correct me if I have the wrong understanding. Thanks!


Jiuning Hu

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