Dear all,

I need some help trying to plot the onsite energy of my system. The problem is 
that I have two overlapping lattices, one for spin up and one for spin down. 
From before, I had the following function:

    def V(i):
        ham = sys.hamiltonian(i,i)
        ham = 0.5*np.trace(,s_z)).real
        return ham,V)

which worked fine when I only had one lattice (and I used pauli matrices to 
express the spin degrees of freedom instead of having two lattices). What I 
would like is a function that does the same as V(i) for my system. Plotted 
H(1,1) - H(2,2) at position (1,1) etc.

I am not sure how to do this. I was considering doing it manually and looping 
through the whole H, but how do I know its size? If you have any better/easier 
suggestions I would appreciate it.



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