
> I'm trying to get the transmission coefficients for up and down spin
> channels in graphene with Kane-Mele Hamiltonian (including Rashba term).
> So it needs to write the Hamiltonian for up and down spin separately.
> I started with this,
> sys=kwant.Builder()
> lat_u=kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
> lat_d=kwant.lattice.honeycomb()
> a,b= lat_u.sublattices
> c,d= lat_d.sublattices
> My confusion is that, can I declare these sublattices for up and down spins.

Sure you can declare them! Kwant doesn't know anything about what the
different degrees of freedom in your system actually *mean* -- it's up
to you to encode that information by putting the correct Hamiltonian for
your problem.



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