Sorry, I wasn’t clear in my last message, I accidentally copied the 
instructions for installing conda and kwant on OSX.

What I meant to say is, that you can just install conda for Linux and use it on 
WSL (at least from Googling a bit I see that other packages work).

On 23 Jan 2017, 22:19 +0100, Bas Nijholt <>, wrote:
> As far as I understand, you could just use conda:
> Conda
> Conda is a cross-platform package and environment manager that installs, 
> runs, and updates packages and their dependencies. It allows you to easily 
> set up and switch between environments on your local computer. Conda is 
> included in all versions of Anaconda and Miniconda.
> Anaconda is Python distribution that includes 150 installed of the most 
> popular Python packages for science. Miniconda is an lighter alternative to 
> Anaconda and comes just with Python and conda.
> 1. > Open a terminal and download Miniconda (or Anaconda) by running
> wget
> 2. > Install Miniconda with
> bash
> and follow its instructions. Make sure that conda is in your PATH, which you 
> can do by adding export PATH="$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH" to your .bashrc or 
> .bash_profile.
> 3. > Add the conda-forge channel and install Kwant and its dependencies with
> conda config --add channels conda-forge
> conda install kwant
> On 23 Jan 2017, 21:34 +0100, Christoph Groth <>, wrote:
> > Hi Andrey,
> >
> > Thanks for sharing your instructions. Do you see a way to
> > automatize this somehow, e.g. to provide Kwant packages for WSL?
> > Is it possible to install our regular Ubuntu Kwant packages [1] in
> > WSL?
> >
> > Christoph
> >
> > [1]

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