Dear Mingkai Li,

Firstly, 3D systems will take a lot of memory, and most likely you will not
be able to straightforwardly increase the system size by 50x without
switching to out-of-core or distributed computations. You could improve the
memory usage somewhat by also trying the metis or scotch orderings. In 2D
they greatly outperform PORD. However I don't think this will bring you
close to achieving what you plan.

The part that takes memory is storing the factors of the LU-decomposition.
For a nested dissection (the asymptotically optimal algorithm), the memory
requirement would be ~L^4 log L, with L the linear size of the system, and
it would require petabytes of storage. Even switching to the most
memory-efficient ordering and discarding unused LU-factors (so effectively
doing RGF), you still need to store a dense matrix with size equal to the
cross-section of your system, which already gives you a petabyte.


On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 2:14 AM, Li Mingkai <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I try to build a bulk transport system with periodic boundary condition by
> 40 * 40 * 40 sites. It requests over 2 GB memory during transmission
> calculation. I curious why it produces so large memory requirement. Since
> I'm going to expand the system up to 50 times, I want to know any way to
> reduce the memory requirement and increase calculation speed. I'm using
> kwant 1.1.2 and MUMPS with default PORD ordering. The system building code
> is
>     syst = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(lat.vec((0, cube.NY,
> 0)), lat.vec((0, 0, cube.NZ))))
>     for i in range(cube.NX):
>         for j in range(cube.NY):
>             for k in range(cube.NZ):
>                 syst[(lat(i, j, k))] =[i, j, k] + 6 * t
>     syst[lat.neighbors(1)] = -t
>     lead = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(lat.vec((-1, 0, 0)),
> lat.vec((0, cube.NY, 0)), lat.vec((0, 0, cube.NZ))))
>     lead[lat.shape(lead_shape, (0, 0, 0))] = 6 * t
>     lead[lat.neighbors(1)] = -t
>     syst=wraparound(syst)
>     syst.attach_lead(wraparound(lead,keep=0))
>     syst.attach_lead(wraparound(lead,keep=0).reversed())
> --
> Mingkai Li

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