
> This means that kwant takes into account also some regions outside the
> leads e.g. bulk metal contacts.
> As a result some dependence on E is obtained even for the case of zero
> depth of the potential whell and it is not identically one.
> So, is it possible to obtain in Kwant the transmission coefficient through
> the defined in the scattering region structures which is not affected by
> anything else?

You have created a system with a finite width of N sites, which means
that in general there will be a finite number of propagating modes open
at a given energy. As there is no backscattering in the system I expect
the transmission to be equal to the number of propagating modes open
at a given energy, which is indeed what I see when I run your code.

You appear to be confused about the definition of transmission. It is
not a probability and so is not bound to the interval [0, 1]. You may
want to read chapter 3 of the book "Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic
Systems" by S. Datta for an introduction to the formalism that Kwant is
based on.

Happy Kwanting,


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