Dear Prof. Chan,

> Dear Kwant developer,
> Is it possible to combine the s matrices for two structures to obtain the s 
> matrix of a large system? The evanescent modes in a lead can be excited, does 
> the s matrix or some other object contain the evanescent mode information so 
> that it can be used for combining two s matrices?

Thanks for the interesting question!

Indeed, it is not possible to naively combine s-matrices and also take
into account the evanescent modes in the leads. Directly multiplying the
smatrices for 2 systems would correspond to connecting them via an
infinitely long lead.

While the evanescent mode information is used when solving the
scattering problem, this information is not kept around in the SMatrix object.

Constructing the "extended" scattering matrix, which contains also the
amplitudes of evanescent components, is possible but will get very
technical.  The best approach is perhaps that I give you some pointers
as to where to look in the Kwant source code, and you post back in this
thread when you have extra questions.

Solving this would consist of 2 parts. The first part is modifying the
calculation of the lead modes so that exponentially growing modes are
also calculated (see most of [1], and specifically [2] for where the
modes are identified). The second part involves hooking into the
scattering solvers to correctly set up the linear system including the
growing modes are computed, and selecting all the scattering amplitudes
from the solution, including scattering into into evanscent modes.  For
starters you could look into the implementation of 'smatrix' [3] to see
the general flow (setting up scattering problem as a linear system,
identifying which parts of the solution to keep, and solving the linear

Once you have the extended scattering matrix for each system you would
then need to combine them via the scattering matrix for the "lead"
connecting them. A precursor to the Kwant library had functionality
for combining smatrices, which could be used as a starting point [4],
however it does not contain the evanescent parts.

Happy Kwanting,



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