
> My question is about calculating total current for a finite bias in a
> nanowire.
> I looked at the Datta book and try to implement it in KWANT but I can not
> get
> a reliable answer, I think I made a mistake somewhere but I can not find it.

If you want help you are going to need to be more specific I am afraid.
What do you expect, and what does your program give you?

I couldn't run the code you dumped into the body of the email just by
copy/pasting it into a text file because the formatting is all messed
up. Please submit any scripts as actual attachments which run and
produce what you wish to show. Only inline *relevant snippets* into the
body of the email; not a whole script. This greatly reduces the amount
of effort people have to go through to help out.

Happy Kwanting,


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