Thanks a lot ! everything is clear and works fine.

On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Joseph Weston <>

> Hi,
> > Thank  you Joseph for the highlight. It make sens since the tests on a
> > square lattice seemed working fine.
> >
> > I checked the  'plot_2d_bands' function but could not identify the
> > transformation you were mentioning. Could you help me in this please?
> It requires a bit of reading but we can extract the following snippets
> from 'wraparound' (I have reworded some comments to make sense without
> the surrounding context of the 'wraparound' module):
>         # calculate the reciprocal symmetry vectors: these
>         # are the columns of 'A'
>         B = np.array(symmetry.periods).T
>         A =
>         ...
>         # transforms a momentum in the basis (kx, ky) to the basis of
>         # reciprocal symmetry vectors
>         def momentum_to_lattice(k):
>             k, residuals = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, k)[:2]
>             if np.any(abs(residuals) > 1e-7):
>                 raise RuntimeError("Requested momentum doesn't correspond"
>                                    " to any lattice momentum.")
>             return k
> We could then use 'momentum_to_lattice' like so:
>         syst = make_wrapped_around_syst()
>         H_k(kx, ky):
>             k = (kx, ky)
>             k_prime = momentum_to_lattice(k)
>             return syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(args=k_prime)
> Does this help?
> > Just to check my understanding for this module, could you tell me if I am
> > right:
> > 1) one can plot the system sys  (before wraping)
> > 2) check the extra-cell hoppings
> > 3) take them off and add  terms of the form  -t exp(i k .Vj) for the
> > corresponding intra-cell hopping  (Vj is the vector of the eliminated
> > hopping)
> > with this, we obtain the Hamiltonian of the wrapped system
> >
> > am I correct ?
> Yes, in addition to the caveat that inter-cell hoppings between a site
> and its image under the symmetry will correspond to *onsite* terms in
> the wrapped around system (imagine a simple chain of sites with
> nearest-neighbor hoppings).
> Happy Kwanting,
> Joe

Abbout Adel

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