Hi again,

I am afraid that what you are specifically asking is still not clear to me.

> Thank you for your reply. As for my second question I think I need
> state it again. I meant to tell that how we get the probability
> density distribution: 
> sys=sys.finalized()
> ham=sys.hamiltonian_submatrix(args=[Zeeman])
> eval,evec=la.eigh(ham)
> vec1=evec[:,L]
> vec2=evec[:,L-1]
> dv1=np.sqrt(1/2)*(vec1+vec2)
> dv2=np.sqrt(1/2)*(vec1-vec2)

'vec1' and 'vec2' are normalized eigenvectors of 'ham'. The individual
components, e.g. 'vec1[10]'
are probability amplitudes for the different degrees of freedom in your
system, that you defined
(implicitly) when you constructed the Hamiltonian. 'vec1[10]', for
example refers to the degree of
freedom "number '10'" when the system is in a state 'vec1'.

Now the question is "what is degree of freedom does the label '10'"
refer to? You built your system
by assigning onsite values to different sites and hoppings in between
them. When you finalize your
system, Kwant internally orders the sites and their associated degrees
of freedom in some manner,
and this ordering is what the number "10" refers to in the preceding
In general Kwant groups degrees of freedom on the same site together,
and the sites are ordered
in an arbitrary fashion. You can find the ordering of sites by
inspecting the 'sites' attribute of a finalized

Given that your example contains a variable called 'Zeeman', I am going
to assume that you have
a system made of sites that have exactly 2 (spin) degrees of freedom
each (the onsites and hoppings
are 2x2 matrices), ordered like (spin up, spin down).

As there are exactly 2 degrees of freedom per site we know that all the
degrees of freedom with even
numbers are spin up, and all the degrees of freedom with odd numbers are
spin down. The site index
can be found by doing an integer division by 2 of the index of the
degree of freedom.

So degree of freedom "10" corresponds to spin up on site 'system.sites[5]'.

Hope that helps,


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