Hi all!

I would like to plot bandstructure of a graphene lead with electron and hole 
structure (i.e. norbs=2),
while distinguishing (e.g. with color) between electron and hole bands.

The lattice is defined as

lat = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt(3)*1/2, 1/2), (0, 1)],
                                 [(0, 0), (1/(2*sqrt(3)),1/2)], norbs=2)

the lead is created as

lead0 = kwant.Builder(sym_lead)
lead0[a.shape(lead0_shape,(0,0))] = -EF * tau_z
lead0[b.shape(lead0_shape,(0,0))] = -EF * tau_z
lead0[lat.neighbors()] = -t * tau_z

Then the bandstructure is obtained as

bands = kwant.physics.Bands(lead0.finalized())
momenta = numpy.linspace(-pi, pi, 201)
energies = [bands(k) for k in momenta]

Is there an easy way to get the bands just for electrons? Something like

"bands = kwant.physics.Bands(lead0.finalized(), orbital = 0)"

or for holes

"bands = kwant.physics.Bands(lead0.finalized(), orbital = 1)"

Tibor Sekera

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