Hi Chung,

> Is there a way to implement indirect hopping in Kwant?
> I have a cubic system and I want to add to the term describing the
> direct hopping between site i and j, an indirect hopping term via an
> intermediate site k, for all the sites in my system.

Kwant does not have a concept for "indirect" hoppings; you will have to
implement something yourself, adding two hoppings to the system. You can
use similar logic to the existing HoppingKind object; just iterate over
all sites "i" of the system, check for the existence of sites "j" and
"k" in the system. If they both exist, add the 2 hoppings, if either
does not exist, do not add the hoppings. Somthing like the following
should work:

    lat = kwant.lattice.cubic()

    syst = …

    delta_j = …  # tag offset  i → j
    delta_k = …  # tag offset j → k

    sites = set(syst.sites())

    def second_hops():
        for i in sites:
            j = lat(i.tag + delta_j)
            k = lat(j.tag + delta_k)
            if j in sites and k in sites:
                yield (i, j, k)

   for i, j, k in second_hops():
       syst[i, j] = hop1
       syst[j, k] = hop2

Happy Kwanting,


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