
The documentation was corrected, but the new documentation version is
not in the "stable" documentation yet because we did not make a new
release. The updated documentation is available in the "dev" docs:


Happy Kwanting,


On 10/16/2017 11:23 AM, George Datseris wrote:
> Dear All,
> (thanks so much for kwant ;) )
> I am wondering whether there is a mistake/typo in the docstring of the
> PropagatingModes object.
> The reason is the following: In a simple lead (specifically graphene
> zigzag nanoribbon) at energy that excites 6 modes (only 3 with
> positive derivative dE/dk),
> when getting the `PropagatingModes` (either through physics.modes or
> by the Smatrix), and I get the momenta and velocities, it looks like
> this:
> In [35]: modes
> Out[35]: <kwant.physics.leads.PropagatingModes at 0x2139805ecf8>
> In [36]: modes.momenta
> Out[36]:
> array([-2.12874239,  2.0566145 ,  2.06992722,  2.12874239, -2.0566145 ,
>        -2.06992722])
> In [37]: modes.velocities
> Out[37]:
> array([-1.91098658, -2.24527103, -1.66541483,  1.91098658, 2.24527103,
>         1.66541483])
> Now, the docstring of Propagating modes states:
>> The first half of the
>> modes have negative velocity, the second half have positive velocity.
>> The
>> modes with negative velocity are ordered from larger to lower
>> momenta, the
>> modes with positive velocity vice versa.
> However, this is not what I see. The first half, with negative
> velocity, is clearly sorted from smaller to bigger momenta, while the
> second half (with positive velocity) is sorted from bigger to slower
> momenta. This is the exact opposite of the docstring.
> Thus I am writing this mail to see if I have misunderstood something
> or if this is simply a typo mistake.
> Best,
> George

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